It starts with ONE.

”“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?“

‭‭Luke‬ ‭16‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I was in the supermarket and I bought this item I usually by for $2.99. The cashier asked me, do you want your penny? I told her yes I do actually. This definitely wasn’t the case a couple of years ago. You might be thinking, a penny Kevin? Really? Yes really ha!. Let me tell you why. If I buy that item 5x a week that is 5 cents per week. 20 cents per month. Which equals to $2.40 per year. Now I know that is a very small number amount but here is what God cares about the most. It’s not about the money amount, it’s about the principle and the heart behind it. How you do one thing is how you do everything. If you won’t give 10 cents of a dollar to God. You won’t give $100 out of a thousand to God. It all starts with one. That one blog post, that one call, that one try, that one workout, that one thing. God is a God of multiplication and he wants to multiply everything in your life.

Now this isn’t just in money, this is also with our time, talents and effort. God has called us to do good with the little. If you don’t do your best at your position in your job right now, then how will you get promoted? You might say well, I don’t get paid enough or I’m not going to do more than what I get paid for. I understand, I was there as well, but having that mindset will keep you where you are. Maybe your church has entrusted you will a small group of 5 people, you might say well I want like 20 people! Well if you don’t  steward those 5 people then it will be hard for you to steward 20 people. God has spiritual lessons he wants us to learn along the way. God wants you to invest in your talents. Everything in our life starts small, whether that be being fit or overweight, being broke or having a lot of money in the bank. It all started with one workout or that one time overeating. That one time of investing or overspending. We have to make sure our one time doesn’t become a 2 or 3 times because then it becomes a habit. But the good news is, with the spirit of God, we can truly overcome anything. He gave us a spirit of power, love and self control.

You see God loves habits and if you are already in the habit and have a mindset in place of doing good with what you have already then he will give you more, because he can TRUST you with it. This has nothing to do with his love, because he won’t love you more or less on what you do today BUT God will give you according to your ability to handle. God is the God of more than enough but he also calls us to be obedient before the blessing. God grace is sufficient for us, no matter how much you messed up in the past, you can start fresh today.

Don’t underestimate the power that God has given you. Dont underestimate the power of one person. One person can truly change the world. Just like there is power in one action there is also power in one person. Sin came through Adam, righteousness  and freedom came through Jesus! It’s like what Steve Jobs said “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”. God has given you His spirit so you can change the world. You can be the first one to change your family, you can be the first one to change the environment in your job. You can be the first one to overturn a law in congress, you can be the one who paves the way for millions to follow in your footsteps. Anything is truly possible with Christ. Remember He who is in YOU, is GREATER THAN he who is in the world.(1 John 4:4) Truly greater than any force. He gave you authority to overcome the power of the enemy.

What is God asking you to do better with today? What is that one thing?

Write it here:


Father God I want to thank you today for your bread. I want to thank you for giving me the ability to do whatever you have entrusted me to do today. Lord I pray that you keep giving me the courage, revelation and discipline I need in order to be a better steward of the relationships, talents and resources you have given me today. Let me be great with one that one thing.

I pray all these things in Jesus name. 
