It's The Shoes!

It was the shoes! 

For this whole time for six years, I always wondered why I had knee and foot injuries! 

I was wearing the wrong sneakers! 

Since I over pronate when I run the experts told me I need sneakers with more support because of this, I always ended up with sneakers I really didn’t like but I felt that I had to wear because society told me this is what I need. 

It wasn’t until I said you know what, “I’m just going to get running sneakers that I actually think are really dope and may not have the support but I’m going to try it!'“

Breakthrough comes with experimentation.

And bingo! A whole new world opened up for me! Number one, I realized my body was wired and made to race and do short distances not long distances. When I started buying racing, training sneakers for sprints and short distances I started to realize more power and speed than I ever experienced. AND my leg injuries never really bothered me!! I also experienced more joy running than ever.

I think this is a word for someone!

If your life is in pain or an area in your life is not working then it might be because that “thing” may not be the right fit for you!!! 

That job! 

That friend group! 

That town! 

That church! 

Your clothes! 

Your industry! 

That relationship! 

Man let me tell you, as someone who changed industries, I always wondered why I could only go so far in my previous industry and then looking back I realized, mannn, it was because it was the wrong fit. If something doesn’t fit you’re going to experience unnecessary pain and you’re not being used how God wired you! 

This reminds me of David and Goliath. When David was supposed to go fight Goliath, King Saul said to David “you need my armor” but David ( ahhh see that’s why he’s king) because once he put it on he immediately realized the armor doesn’t fit him and he couldn’t feel confident in it! 

Even though people though David was amateur for using stones and a javelin, that is what God gave him to use! But he was confident in himself knowing that he was able to defeat Goliath with how he was wired. 

The problem these days, is that society gives you these messages saying you need this, you need to look like this in order to attract that, you need to act like this, you need to wear this, in order to be successful you need to do these steps on and on we go. 

This is why we need to strip ourselves of what our influences and the “experts' ' told us we need to be and figure out who we really are at the core! 

Our destiny and path is already in us - if we just listen.

And it’s all about trial and error, it may not work right now but keep trying! 

It’s like what my friend and I started discussing. “Producing in progress” meaning whatever we produce today may not be the final product nor may it be our 100% best but we are making progress and with what we produced today we can make better tomorrow. We cannot make anything better if we don’t even practice. Sorry Iverson “We talking about practice??”

Do you think Michael Jordan, came out of nowhere on the basketball court and shot 100 out of 100 shots? NO! He was even cut from his high school team.

If God gave us a talent we need to practice every day and then we will produce real fruit. 

What is an area of life that isn’t fitting right now for you? Examine why. Experiment, work, pray, be obedient, get council and I promise you will see breakthrough. 

What are you wired and made for? 

God bless