Dinner With Jesus

Imagine if Jesus has invited us to the table for dinner? What would you bring? Would you bring anything? Are we just going to consume the food at the table? Or are we going to bring something and contribute something special to the table? We all have different gifts (our special sauce) we can bring to the table and with all our different dishes, it makes a meal as we all complete each other for contributing to the body of Christ. Every dish counts and every body part counts, no matter how small. Try walking without a pinky toe and you will have no balance. 

What if he he said  “My Child, what have you brought me today?” And you don’t have much or maybe you think you do, but you do! You have a lot inside of you. For so long I didn’t think I had much, I didn’t think I had talent, I didn’t think I was creative, I didn’t think I was good enough, but those were all lies that I believed! For years! And I’m here to tell you that doesn’t have to be your story either! 

Bring whatever you have, bring it to the table. No matter how small. Jesus can Multiply it. Just as he did with the 2 fish and 5 loaves and turned it into feeding five thousand. Don’t be ashamed or think you’re not ready. You have that special unique meal that the table needs, the meal may be incomplete without your dish! There is a seat in your name waiting for you. Now is the time.

And don’t be scared to make it if you think people can’t digest it!! Don’t water your meal down, don’t belittle who you are or what you got for no one. What God wants you to present to the table is what you should present to the table, nothing less! FULL FLAVOR FOR FULL FAVOR. He prepared the table for you before your enemies! He numbered your hairs and had a plan for you when you were in your mother’s womb! He knows who you are! But he can’t bless the watered down version though, he needs the full flavor. 

He is inviting you to bring your uniqueness, he is inviting you to bring your talent, he is inviting you to bring your quirks that you don’t show in public, and you can do it all with the ingredients you have right now. It’s already in your cabinet, you might not think so, but you already have it. You have the spice. You have the sauce.You’re ready. 

Out of studying so many successful entrepreneurs and artists, most of them started before they were ready and many didn’t even know what they were doing! Many of the best songs happened because the artist just felt the urge to sing something and it just flowed out of them! Even as I’m writing this I didn’t research anything, I was inspired by Luke 22:24-30 and it’s truly the holy spirit speaking through me. He will tell you what to say and what to do at the perfect time and place. It’s already inside of us, we have access to God’s timeless wisdom through the Holy Spirit. If you say you don’t have the ingredients, you’re saying what God created isn’t complete or good. But when he created man, he said that is good.

Question for today: what can you create or do with what you got right now? If it’s a YouTube video, do it on your iPhone you don’t need expensive equipment, if it’s writing a book, start with a paragraph in your notes app, if it’s starting a business, read 10 minutes of a business book, call a business owner or sell something on eBay to see how e-commerce works and get momentum on your side. All the ingredients you need are already in your cabinet, and you don’t need to go to culinary school to make it. We have everything inside of us right here right now. Let me know what you will create today!

Remember he already prepared the table! We just gotta bring what we got! 

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:5-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬
